A letter to his Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

A letter to his Majesty King Abdullah II Bin AlHussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
أخبار البلد -  
Shriank we're Oh homeland why go
written by ouni haddadin
Tribute to we are confirmed to a concrete and easily wehdabh and trees with Oman corruption greet beads
Love and redemption stands on the verge of a sink and a smart martyrs lives in the mountains of Ajloun dancer
Jerash passing barbed and easily green taking from retail dust thyme vuh and love
Alanvwan llzrkaa and his embrace of CRC beshmokh Balqa glory and the armies of Islam Supreme
Churches of Tafileh and Maan carrier Zhou steadfastness history writer authenticity and Arabism in
Wadi Musa tumor bearing bainak to Shatt al-Aqaba.
After all these compliments announced my love for precious national and Moulay Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, since a
Time and I was sitting behind computer screens with a privately endowed defenders failed to
Heaven and Earth to bear revealing secrets and charts from wanted and want to undermine the
This great edifice.
I give the employee wages, has treated us like our enmity and ruthless did find unparalleled total charge
Nile "honour and dignity" all this because I love you Oh Arden, abadoni wathmoni
They said what they said about me I didn't find myself not become outcast from the opposition and loyal to your love
Hey national.
Conscripted troops on websites to follow wasmouni wemsbat insults are mountains
It even will mute for the master of the country, Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, promises to become
Dreams of Sinbad and trained their armies had flocked only weaken my ability to love you,
Homeland whether opposition or security devices and tried to pirate my sites and they don't even know the meaning of the name you typed.
Hey Hey Arden of precious delight liver become poor and I will defend you, Oh my, national
Infants who have large mailbox dream Yes I took their milk and paid subscription price
Web invoice that even when I'm getting accused of proselytizing movements support
Vs .NET.
Hey mohga heart lost sleep at night and I discovered with you to administer for my love for you designs
Cynics was conducted neck ailments and other ya eyes become homeland
Your enemy first and I became involved with eyes walnshmiat "shame on you, Oh homeland.
After sleepless nights and seeing words that I said was I don't allow the download
National photographers ' groups I manage so prohibited which falls pray that does not fall
So do accused it offended my dignity and secretariats to safer on my kids to write wants me
Say he wanted to say "I have often heard you are a client or the charm or search
For personal interest and support of my wife Susan in the electoral process. "
Thus treated me Oh homeland and Sir became your strange though I am fond of you, come
For our security after this diminished on follow-up and monitored by us and search for others, I
Antsartm to break us and 't Nile of our love for our master homeland Abdullah II
For all those who abused us across the Web, knowing all that we do not hold
You lick of hatred or alzal, and those who sinned against them or something of us azalhm
Or we get them out of the national groups that manage wish they ylkoha to magnanimously
Issued and up from our mistakes and we paid only love for the homeland and the master of the country King Abdullah
II that we will keep our love for King Abdullah bin Al Hussein and home to newark.
Finally, I wish all rank officials and Office and locations that make the form
Formal and clear as we see it, we see clearly the objectives which we believe the objectives of the veiled and let us know
Officially and clear instead of hints that the master of the country does not want to see me and question
: Is the master knows feel as happening comments some sites
And declarations about the desire of her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah, which respected the respect and appreciation
Moulay Abba Hussein and the establishment of alternative home we will stand you in any
Resolution want ya King and at what price instead of our being lost between opposition or
To lay on the Mainland and act according to your instructions and your orders, and teaches Moulay Abba
Hussein, the poor or who became poor over the years because of corruption in need
To material assistance for the payment of debt accumulation and not only starving to ask them because they
Closer to you than others because they are tkhsrohm they like you and love you Moulay Al-mu'azzam district  

شريط الأخبار إسرائيل تستخدم أسلحة فتاكة جديدة تفجّر شظايا غير مرئية تخترق أجساد الفلسطينيين وزارة المياه: ضبط عدد من الاعتداءات على مياه نبع وادي السير الأردن يرحب بقرار "يونسكو" دعم استمرارية أنشطة "أونروا" التعليمية في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة رسميا ولأول مرة.. البيت الأبيض يؤكد السماح لأوكرانيا باستخدام صواريخ "أتاكمس" غرفتا صناعة وتجارة الأردن وعمّان تمددان فترة استقبال طلبات برنامج ترويج الصادرات توقعات بالتخليص على 12 ألف مركبة كهربائية حتى نهاية 2024 الملك يستمع إلى ردي مجلسي الأعيان والنواب على خطاب العرش "التجمعات الاستثمارية المتخصصة" تعيد تشكيل (5) لجان منبثقة عن مجلس إدارتها .. أسماء مفتي المملكة: تحريم استخدام وصناعة وبيع نبتة الدخان 242 مليون دينار لتثبيت سعر الخبز ودعم أسطوانة الغاز في 2025 الكرك الأقل.. تعرفوا على موازنة المحافظات الأردنية الحكومة تخصص 3.5 مليون دينار للتنقيب عن النفط في الأردن العام المقبل خطة شاملة لتعزيز فرص العمل وتحسين المهنة في جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين .. ورحال: سنبذل كل جهدنا ارتفاع عوائد الحكومة من مطار الملكة علياء 30 مليون دينار عجز بأكثر من 2 مليار دينار في مشروع قانون الموازنة العامة للسنة المالية 2025 63.4 مليون دينار موازنة رئاسة الوزراء في 2025.. ورصد 2 مليون لدراسات المدينة الجديدة المياه: ضبط اعتداءات كبيرة على نبع وادي السير وزير العمل يوضح بشأن تصويب أوضاع العمالة المخالفة الملخص اليومي لحركة تداول الاسهم ف بورصة عمان لجلسة يوم الاثنين ... تفاصيل مشروع قانون الموازنة الأردنية لسنة 2025 - رابط