مداد البياض لأهل السجـايا


مِدادُ البَيـاض لأهلِ السّجـَايَا




أيـا ثَــورةً فِي رُبُــوعِِ الكَــرَامَهْ


بَـرِيـقُ رَحِيقــكِ بَيْنَ المَرَايــَــا


كَـكَفِّ سَمَـــاءٍ تَجِـيشُ بِغَيـــمٍ


تُنــَادِي عَنِ الغَيـثِ بَينَ الثَّنايَا


كَمَنجَلِ نَيْسَـانِ يَحْصِـدُ خِصْبًـا


لِألْــوانِ زَهـر ٍ تُـوَشِّي الحَنَايــَا


َو فَيْضُ مِنَ الـرُّوحِِ يَعصِرُ شَهْدَ


تَسابِيــحَ تَـتْلـُو ضِيَــاءَ النّوَايـَــا


ِتُعَــانِقُ ضَــوعَ صَــــلاَةٍ لِـفَجْــرٍ


مِـدَادِ البَيـاضِ لأَهـــلِ السَّجَايـَـا


شَهِيـدُ بِـلاَدِي يُخَــضِّـبُ عَهْـدِي


سَقَـايَا مِنَ النّصرِ تَـرْوِِي التّكَايـَا


أَعَــادَ لِشَعـــبِي بُــروقَ الحَيَــاة


وَ أَنقَـذَ أَرْضِــي سَعِيـرَ البَلَايَـــا


وَ يـَـا مُنكَـرًا يَرمُـدُ الذُّلُّ خِـزْيـًـا


عَـلَى ضِـفّتَيهِ بِـقَهْـرِ الضَّحَايَـــا


كَـعُشْبٍ أُجَــاجٍ تَـفَشَّى صـــَدَاه


تَـوَسَّـدَ مِــلْحًا يَطُــوفُ البَرَايَـــا


و نجــمٌ يُهِيــبُ بِـوَشْـمِ العَــرَاء


كَـجِذْعٍ مِنَ الشَّـوكِ بَينَ الزَّوَايَـا


نَضَـدْتَ الحَـكايَــــا بِمكْـرٍ و كَيْـدٍ


كَـــداءٍ خَبِيــثٍ يَــدُكُّ الخَـلاَيـَـــا


و حِـقْدٍ دَفيـنٍ شَريــدُ الخَفَايَـــا


يُـوارِِي رَحِيـقَ عُطُــورَ المَنَايَــا


سَقِيـــمٌ كجَــذْبٍ سِلالُـهُ مـَلآى


قُطُــوفًا مِنَ الشَّرّ ِتَجْنِي الخَطَايَا


سَــــوادٌ كـأنتَ عَقِيــمٌ دُجـــَــاه


يُنـــادِمُ عُـريَــكَ سُــوءُ النَّوايَــا



بقلم يسر فوزي .... تونس




Inchiostro  bianco per un popolo di temperamento


di Yosr Fawzi


(traduzione di Mario Rigli… Italie)


Oh, rivoluzione nel campo della dignità!

Il luccichio del tuo nettare sugli specchi,

Come palmo di cielo ribolle di nuvole

Chiama la pioggia tra le sue pieghe

Come falce di aprile miete fertilità

Per i colori dei fiori,

Orna  le curve

Con ricchezza  di spirito

Schiaccia cera e miele

Viene  da rituali

Recitando lo splendore delle intenzioni

Assapora il  profumo della preghiera dell'alba

Inchiostro bianco per un popolo di temperamento

Il martire del mio paese fa morire questa  epoca

Si abbevera dalla  vittoria

Spazza le incomprensioni

Restaura il mio paese,

Vive nel suo splendore

E salva la mia  terra

Da flagelli di fuoco

Oh, male che accechi l'umiliazione,

Con vergogna sulla sua spiaggia accartocci vittime!

Come un prato salato,

Diffondi  i suoi echi

Vagava  la gente nel  suo male-guanciale

E una stella si vanta di essere  il  tatuaggio del cielo

Mentre è  un ramo di spine fra gli angeli

Con astuzia sono stati narrati i racconti e  con artificio

Un morbo maligno sperona le cellule

E un rancore latente con sottigliezze senza radici

Seppellisce  il nettare di  profumi di morte

I suoi cesti sono pieni di male

La collezione infernale  è zeppa  di male che miete peccati.

Le tenebre come  te, la sua notte sterile

Partecipa al tuo denudamento,

Ancora cattiva volontà.





White ink for the people of qualities


by Yosr Fawzi


(translation by Lobna Smida... Tunis)


Oh, revolution in the field of dignity!

The glitter of your nectar on the mirrors

like a palm of sky simmering with cloud

Calling the rain between its folds

Like a scythe of April reaping fertility

For the colours of flowers,

Decorating the curves

abundance of spirit

Is squashing the honey wax

Coming from rituals

Reciting the intentions’ brightness

Embracing the perfume of the dawn’s prayer

White ink for the people of qualities

the martyr of my country is dying my epoch

Watering from a victory

Sweeps out the spites

It restored to my nation,

Its lives’ brightness

And saved my land from,

The burning scourges

Oh, evil that blinds humiliation,

With shame on its shore crumpling victims!

As a brine grass,

Spreading its echoes

It roamed the folk on his evil-stuffed pillow

And a star brags being the sky’s tattoo

Being a branch of thorn between the angles

Tales were composed cunningly with contrivance

Malignant disease ramming the cells

And latent grudge with rootless subtleties

Burying the nectar of the death’s fragrances

Its baskets are full of evil

Devilish collect is full of evil reaping sins

Darkness as you, its night sterile

Commensally of your denudation,

Still be ill- will

